Contacts - Holiday farm Casa Tonietti

CASA TONIETTI - Localita' Le Vigne - 53040 - Radicofani, (SI)
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At the curve follow the dirt track road, continnue until you arrive at the next crossroad.
As you arrive at the small country crossroad, there is an old wine barrell: it is our beacon. Wich indicates right turning.

From the west Radicofani with it's high tower to which overlooks the valley.
A few meters ahead downhill you will find a right turning. Which takes you to the house...

 Holiday Farm CASA TONIETTI - Localita' Le Vigne
53040 - Radicofani (SI)
Località Le Vigne - 53040 - Radicofani (SI)

Tel. 0578 55876

P. IVA 00800300527
Copyright (c) 2004 Agriturismo Casa Tonietti
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